A thorough comparison between different fireplace mantels


For many people, a house isn’t just a place of shelter. Rather, it is a symbolic embodiment of their way of life. The interiors of a house play a crucial role in communicating this symbolic statement. Hence, making the decisions that are just right becoming very important. But this seemingly simple feat isn’t as easy at all. Making all the underlying decisions is difficult when you factor in the substantial value of each aspect that makes up the interiors. While most of these aspects are common stuff, there are a few luxurious additions, like a big water fountain for home, that demand keen attention. And it is the choice of these articles that causes a dilemma.

Because the investments made into these items are sizable, expecting an equal amount of grandiosity is nothing but reasonable. Also, these are the items that contribute significantly when it comes to setting up the preferred aesthetic. A crucial addition that takes priority in this list of things, is a fireplace mantel surround. Although a lavish addition to some households, a hearth is a necessity in many regions around the world. Irrespective of the intentions, the money value of the item cannot be overlooked, thus the need for prudence.

The foremost selection that you are presented with when buying a fireplace surround, is the choice of material of the mantelpiece. Others prioritize the more abstract aspects, like the aesthetic demeanor of ancient fireplaces or the contemporary vibes of a modern one. Even though each preference is equally respected, it is advised to look into the prior of the two with more emphasis. That is because this is the factor that dictates the lifespan and worthiness of the investment.

In terms of material, two types of fireplace mantels available that are worth the hefty investment. The more popular one of these preferred ones is the marble fireplaces. What makes these mantelpieces famous is their ability to withstand the perils of time. The durability and longevity of these fireplace surrounds are unparalleled. And given the fact that mantels are a once-in-a-lifetime investment, these advantages are surely the ones that anyone would go for.

Marble is also one of the more easily customizable stones. This provides the artisan working on the mantelpiece with the creative freedom to mold the fireplace mantel custom of your choice. In terms of design, the French marble fireplace is unquestionably pleasing to a beholder’s eyes! So, if you intend to lock down only the best first impressions of your guests, this is the option to turn to.

The other material towards which there is a general inclination would be the cast stone mantels. These stones offer the advantages of the marble-made mantel to an extent and some more as well. Durability, longevity, lightweight, versatility, etc., are to name a few. To find the highest quality fireplace mantel work, made of either of these stones, visit Artisan Kraft. The optimum grade stones coupled with the exceptional work of their artisans result in artistic masterpieces.

Blog Source: https://www.artisankraftfireplaces.com/a-thorough-comparison-between-different-fireplace-mantels/


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