The Apparent Appeal of Limestone and Marble Interior Decor for Your Home

It’s a common desire to be surrounded by beauty and eye-catching aesthetics. Especially, in our homes, than anywhere else. It is possible to adjust to unpleasant sights while outdoors.  When a person is within their own living space, a sense of achievement, pride and contentment comes from the aesthetic of the interior. This is perhaps the primary reasons why people put a lot of money into home improvements and renovations.

The objective here is to use a good budget to beautify one’s living space. The choices for interior decor and improvements are many. You could go for a vintage look, retro interiors, contemporary interiors or even modern interiors. The choice mainly depends on the home owner and residents of a home. With an eye on interior decor and the many choices one has, this blog aims to emphasize on the appeal of marble and limestone interior decor and fittings for your home. Read further to know more.

Differences Between Marble and Limestone

When you opt for marble and limestone home interiors and decor, you need to understand the differences between the two to tell them apart. The primary differences that makes it easy to distinguish marble from limestone are listed below:

Marble has a distinct appearance defined by unique veining patterns
On the other hand, limestone has a smooth yet grainy aesthetic, which is quite apparent when you look closely

Marble and limestone may come at a varying cost that does not match, mostly depending on your location and the destination from where these materials are sourced.

Ideas for Marble and Limestone Interiors

You can either choose marble or limestone for your home interiors and decor, or you could go with a mix and match of both. The idea here is to make a choice between the two or find the perfect balance of the two within the interiors of your home. It shouldn’t be too difficult as you can mix and match limestone accentuations with marble decor such as a pristine limestone fireplace mantel on which you can strategically place marble statues in varying sizes.

Marble and limestone aren’t limited to your fireplace area. Think of marble columns within your home or marble flooring can also give your interiors a contemporary yet classic appeal. There is more where that came from, and there are multiple brilliant ways in which marble and limestone can elevate the aesthetics of your home and property.

Imagine a classical marble statue in your garden, juxtaposed beside a marble fountain or limestone kitchen counters and bathroom tiles. There is surely enough room to experiment with these two materials to revamp your home.

However, you may need some assistance with sourcing quality marble and limestone accentuations and decor for your home. Artisan Kraft is the home decor and interior products expert you can rely on. This company has a fine selection of marble and limestone home interior fittings, accentuations and decor, that you can view and purchase on


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